Sunday, July 10, 2011

A New Beginning

It's been quite awhile since I posted here in my blog, we'll I've been to somewhere - soul searching as I call it but more on vacation; and it did do me good. After almost a month of isolation, I decided as planned that I'd be coming back for good with a smile on my face, ready to face a new beginning though I was quite hesitant at first because fear was still there but I knew I had to face it and I did.

For those days that I've isolated myself, honestly there wasn't a single day that I didn't think about him. I was thinking if he was really the one for me or there was someone better out there for me. I knew I had to decide either to wait for him to come into his senses and face me or start a new life without the proper closure that I have wanted. So it's easy to pinpoint which is better right? But sometimes I guess I was still hoping but I have to keep on pushing myself to go on with my life and that is exactly what I did. 

I have to congratulate myself since now I can say that I learned to accept this situation. I have to admit it was like a roller coaster ride, I had to hold on tight to my seat while my world was in topsy-turvy with all the 360 degrees turn. Though I know I haven't moved on completely, but it's a start. I'm just focusing now on how to be happy and not to dwell much in the past. 

"I may have stumbled before, but now no more..." 

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